Plum now works with the Google Assistant at #Googleio2017

“Hey Google, dim my kitchen lights”

Plum is the world’s smartest light dimmer for the smart connected home. They are easy to install and use. Plum’s app enables the products to connect via WiFi to form a home network where each device can be controlled using the App on a smartphone.

Plum LightPads can now be controlled using Google Assistant – simply speak to Google Assistant and ask for lights to be dimmed or a scene to be set and you’re good to go!

Google has taken on Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, and Microsoft Cortana with its own voice assistant: Google Assistant. Google first unveiled Assistant at Google I/O in May 2016, launched it on the Google Pixel and Pixel XL phones, brought it to Google Home, and then Android Wear 2.0, before starting the rollout to other phones running Android Nougat. While that list is limited for now, we’re expecting much wider availability to become a major focus for Google this year.

I am an early stage Angel Investor in Plum, while my consultancy; Factotum Design, worked with Glen and Utz, Plum’s founders, to get the first MVP off the ground at DEMO.  Plum has since gone from strength-to-strength and is about to close its second round of funding.