eziconex.com makes eCommerce on the mobile web easy. I co-founded eziconex.com in Manchester (UK) as a SaaS platform on the cloud for micro and small businesses to connect, collaborate and trade on the web using any device.

User create a profile, select a business theme and them create a responsive website. The user can add ‘items’ to sell. As soon as an item is created a eStore is set up and all subsequent items are added to the users eStore. A payment system is easy to set-up using Stripe or Paypal. Each item, product, service or event created is added to eziMARKET where buyers and sellers can connect to trade.

The platform offers a ‘hybrid’ cloud solution where data can be stored on the eziconex cloud drive called ‘ThunderCloud’ and synced to a personal IP enabled ‘Hard-Drive’ in their office, place of business or home.

eziconex.com won VentureBeat’s and FedEx’s ‘Concept to Reality’ contest read about it here

Watch the eziCONEX.com video here

