AMP was established 160 years ago and is one of Australia’s oldest and leading financial services companies. Today they are a leading specialist wealth management company in Australia and New Zealand managing more than $50 Billion is peoples assets.

AMP needed a new strategy in a customer-centric digital world.

As Lead Designer I was tasked with rethinking and re-inventing retirement. The project was a key strategic piece in redefining a customer centric approach that will help people prepare for their future by being in control of their finances today.

The result was a service ecology of online apps and services that enabled people to explore, act and track their money by setting goals.

Participatory and Co-Design Workshops

Using contextual research and co-design tools as part of an HCD process we worked with customers in a series of participatory workshops. The insights from our extensive and in depth research informed new strategies and approaches to retirement and money management.

Based on our psychographic profiling we identified the behaviours, attitudes and needs of people and developed a series of personas to help the team and the organisation to understand our target customers.  

We then develop a range of service blueprints to map customer’s and agent’s journeys, their interactions with different touchpoints and channels and the process and capabilities needed to deliver engaging customer experiences while unlocking and growing value for the business. 

